Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Óli on his own.

Eftir að hafa kynnst fólkinu í bekknum sínum ágætlega ákvað Óli að kíkja með þeim út á lífið. Hann fór með þeim á stað þar sem fleira fólk úr háskólanum hittist. Þegar Óli var að tala um Guns 'n' roses við gæja sem hann hitti við barinn, sagði gæinn;
Gæi: I met Axl Rose once in Atlanta.
Óli: Really!?!
Gæi: I was buying a ticket to this soccer match from a black market dealer, when the world cup was in the states, and when it was my turn there was only one ticket left. This pretty girl comes along and wants to buy the ticket, but I had more money than she did, but she was really pretty, so we started arguing. Then Axl Rose, who was walking by and heard our argument, comes up to us, buys the ticket and gives it to the girl. I was so furious that I wanted to punch him in the face.
Óli: Why didn´t you? Then he would have hit you and you could have sued him for millions.
Gæi: I thought about it but he had these two huge black bodyguards that would probably have fucked me up.
Óli: Wow. This is amazing.
Óli sneri sér að öðrum gæja sem stóð fyrir aftan hann.
Óli: Did you hear this?
Gæi 2: Hear what?
Óli þuldi alla söguna af miklum áhuga og seinni gæinn leit á hann og sagði;.
Gæi 2: That´s bullshit.
Óli: What do you mean?
Gæi 2: This is just bullshit.
Óli: Why would he lie about this?
Gæi: I guess I was bored.
Óli sneri sér við og áttaði sig á því að gæinn hafði verið að rugla í honum, svo hann ákvað, eftir að double-tékka hvort þetta væri lygi, að hætta að drekka, og fara heim að sofa.
Í næsta bloggi:

Axl Rose á Íslandi, Óli í Prag.
Axl Rose: It´s kind of cold here!!!

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